If taking down the ten commandments from a courthouse is attacking Christianity, then isn't putting them up attacking non-Christians?
If not mandating daily school prayer is an attack on Christianity, then isn't mandating one an attack on nonbelievers?
If attempting to remove the phrase "under God" from our pledge and "In God we Trust" from our national motto is an attack on Christianity, then doesn't keeping those phrases constitute an attack on other religions (polytheists) and nonbelievers?
If attempting to remove the process of swearing on the Bible in court is an attack on Christianity, then isn't keeping that process an attack on non-Christians?
Or perhaps stopping these acts does not constitute an attack on any religion but recognizes the fact that a particular religious belief is not required to be an American. That many non-Christians have made great sacrifices to our country (like say, fighting for us in war) and to attempt to create a division and call the religious American and the non-religious unpatriotic would be woefully unjust.
Little Buddy
1 hour ago